NCLOAD is the jCommon module of jLab.

 NCLOAD  Load all variables from a NetCDF file and convert trajectories to cells.
    NCLOAD(FILENAME) loads all variables from the NetCDF file FILENAME and
    places them into a structure of the same name in the calling workspace. 
    The extension '.nc' in FILENAME is optional.
    If FILENAME contains a full pathname, only the final portion after the
    last '/' or '\' is used for the structure name.
    Note that any hyphens '-' in the filename are replaced with underscores
    in the structure name, as the former are not allowed in variable names.
    For example, if FILENAME='/Home/data' contains variables 'num', 'lat', 
    and 'lon', then the result of calling NCLOAD('data') will be a 
    structure 'data' with fields 'data.num', '', and 'data.lon'.  
    Then USE can be used to map these variables into the main workspace.  
    NCLOAD(FILENAME,VAR1,VAR2,...,VARN) will only load the variables with
    the names VAR1, VAR2,...VARN.
    NCLOAD will convert any variables that are numeric but not doubles to
    doubles.  This is because experience has shown using other data types 
    in code that is expecting doubles can lead to errors in Matlab.
    Convert trajectory data
    In addition, if FILENAME has the global attribute  
          featureType    = 'trajectory'
    then any variables in FILENAME are have 'Dimensions: obs' will be
    interpreted as concatentated trajectory data, following the NetCDF 
    Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions Appendix H.4.3

    NCLOAD adopts the convention that a variable named 'ids', having 
    'Dimensions: obs', provides the id for all other variables.  
    All variables of dimension obs will be converted to cell arrays by
    first calling COLBREAKS using ids as the first argument, then COL2CELL.
    Alternatively, all variables with 'Dimensions: obs'  will be 
    interpreted as being in the NaN-separated column format used by
    COL2CELL, which will be called to put then in cell array format. This
    format is supported to provide for reverse compatibility; it is 
    recommended to use the CF trajectory convention instead. 
    The following formats also work:
           ncload filename
           ncload filename var1 var2 ... varN
    In this format, the input strings have to be the actual names of the
    file and variables, as opposed to variables containing those names.
    This is basically a way to conveniently work with small NetCDF files as
    if they were mat-files.  Typically, NetCDF files load much faster. 
    Usage: ncload(filename);
           ncload filename 
           ncload filename num lat lon 
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2019--2020 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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