MORLWAVE is the jWavelet module of jLab.

 MORLWAVE  Morlet wavelet.   
    The Morlet wavelet is not recommended.  Instead use a generalized Morse
    wavelet with GAMMA set to 3.  This function is included for testing and
    comparison purposes.  See Lilly and Olhede (2009, 2012) for details.
    PSI=MORLWAVE(N,FMAX,F) returns the complex-valued Morlet wavelet of 
    length N, with a peak in the frequency domain at *radian* F, based on a
    mother wavelet having a peak frequency FMAX>1.
    If F is a scalar, PSI is a column vector of length M.  If F is an
    array, PSI is a matrix of size M x LENGTH(F), with the columns in order  
    of decreasing frequency.
    The peak frequency FMAX should be greater than one.  As FMAX increases
    from unity, the number of oscillations in the wavelet increases.
    Note that the wavelets are centered at the midpoint in time, row 
    number ROUND(SIZE(PSI,1)/2).
    [PSI,PSIF]=MORLWAVE(N,FMAX,F) also returns a size SIZE(PSI) matrix 
    PSIF which is the frequency-domain version of the wavelets.
    For further details on this representation of the Morlet wavelet, see
    Appendix A of
        Lilly and Olhede (2009).  Higher-order properties of analytic 
            wavelets.  IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 57 (1), 146--160.
    MORLWAVE supports two kinds of normalization for the wavelets.
    MORLWAVE(..., 'bandpass') uses "bandpass normalization", the 
    default.  See Lilly and Gascard (2006).  This implies that the 
    FFT of wavelet has a maximum value of 2. 
    MORLWAVE(..., 'energy') uses the unit energy normlization.  The 
    time-domain wavelet energy SUM(ABS(PSI).^2) is then unity. 
    Note MORLWAVE now uses bandpass-normalization by default.
    Usage: psi=morlwave(n,fmax,f);
    'morlwave --t' run a test.
    'morlwave --f' generates a sample figure.
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2004--2015 F. Rekibi and J. M. Lilly 
                          --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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