ELLSIG is the jEllipse module of jLab.

 ELLSIG  Creates a modulated elliptical signal in two or three dimensions.
    Z=ELLSIG(KAPPA,LAMBDA,THETA,PHI) creates a time-varying, complex-valued
    elliptical signal Z=X+iY characterized by RMS amplitude KAPPA,
    linearity LAMBDA, orientation THETA, and orbital phase PHI.
    [X,Y]=ELLSIG(KAPPA,LAMBDA,THETA,PHI) returns the analytic part of the 
    ellipse signal along the X and Y axes.
    See Lilly and Gascard (2006) and Lilly and Olhede (2010a) for details.
    ELLSIG is inverted by ELLPARAMS, which returns the ellipse parameters
    given the analytic signals X and Y.
    Three dimensions
    ELLSIG can also generate an elliptical signal in three dimenions. 
    [X,Y,Z]=ELLSIG(KAPPA,LAMBDA,THETA,PHI,ALPHA,BETA) returns the analytic 
    part of the ellipse signal along the X, Y, and Z axes.
    Here BETA is the "zenith angle" giving the orientation of the plane 
    containing the ellipse with respect to the vertical, while ALPHA is 
    the "azimuth angle", the angle the normal to the plane of the ellipse
    makes with the x-axis.  
    In the trivariate case, LAMBDA is positive, and the direction of 
    rotation of the particle projected onto the X-Y plane is changed by  
    letting the zenith angle BETA exceed PI/2.
    See Lilly (2011) for details on the trivariate case.     
    Cell array input / output
    ELLSIG also works if the input arguments are cell arrays of numeric
    arrays, in which case the output arguments will also be cell arrays of
    the same size.
    [X,Y]=ELLSIG(...,'real') or [X,Y,Z]=ELLSIG(...,'real') takes the real 
    part of the output arguments.
    'ellsig --t' runs some tests.
    Usage:  z=ellsig(kappa,lambda,theta,phi);
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2007--2013 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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