jLab v. 1.7.3

A data analysis package for Matlab, with ∼300 routines for big data analysis, signal processing, mapping, and oceanographic applications.


Version 1.7.3 introduces support for a new paper and four new datasets, and also includes a number of bugfixes. See the changelog for details.

jLab, 170 Mb zip

To install jLab, after unzipping, rename the top-level directory to “jlab”. Put “addpath /your/path/to/jlab” followed by “jlab_addpath” into your startup.m file, and type “startup” at the Matlab prompt. Then kindly type “jlab_runtests” and follow the instructions.

To get started, type “help jlab” or browse the extensive online documentation.

Kindly acknowledge jLab in scientific publications as

“Lilly, J. M. (2024), jLab: A data analysis package for Matlab, v.1.7.3, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4547006, http://www.jmlilly.net/code.”

You may share and adapt this software under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike License. To comment, contribute, or report issues, visit the hosting page at GitHub, or else email me.

If you use jLab, please watch the project on GitHub so that you are sure to be informed of updates.