VZEROS is the jVarfun module of jLab.

 VZEROS   Initializes multiple variables to arrays of zeros or nans.
    [X1,X2, ... XN]=VZEROS(M,N)  is equivalent to
       X1=ZEROS(M,N); X2=ZEROS(M,N); .... XN=ZEROS(M,N);
    thus initializing all the output variables to arrays of zeros.
    [X1,X2, ... XN]=VZEROS(M,N,NAN) initializes to NANs instead.
    [X1,X2, ... XN]=VZEROS(M,N,INF) initializes to INFs instead.
    [X1,X2, ... XN]=VZEROS(M,N,K,... P) similiarly initializes the Xi
    to N-D arrays of zeros having size M x N x K x ... P.
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information (C)
    2004--2010 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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