VSWAP is the jVarfun module of jLab.

 VSWAP  VSWAP(X,A,B) replaces A with B in numeric array X.
    VSWAP(X,A,B) replaces A with B in numeric array X.  A and B may be
    numbers, NAN, +/- INF, NAN+SQRT(-1)*NAN, or INF+SQRT(-1)*INF.
    Note that X may also be a cell array of numeric arrays. 
    [Y1,Y2,...YN]=VSWAP(X1,X2,...XN,A,B) also works.
    VSWAP(X1,X2,...XN,A,B); with no output arguments overwrites the 
    original input variables.    
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2001--2015 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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