INTERPLATLON is the jSphere module of jLab.

 INTERPLATLON  Interpolation for working with latitude and longitude.
    INTERPLATLON performs 2D or 3D interpolation appropriate for latitude
    and longitude.  It deals with issues arising from the periodicity of 
    longitude in addition to performing several other convenient functions. 
    2D Interpolation
    Z=INTERPLATLON(LATO,LONO,[],ZO,LAT,LON) performs a 2D interpolation
    from the array ZO, which has latitude varying in LENGTH(LATO) rows and
    longitude varying in LENGTH(LONO) columns, onto locations (LAT,LON).
    Here LAT and LON are 2D arrays of the same size.  LATO and LONO should
    1D arrays such that ZO is plaid; otherwise see SPHEREINTERP.
    A difficulty in interpolating latitude and longitude is that longitude
    is periodic, for example, if LONO=0.5:1:359.5.  Then the interpolation
    can fail if 0INTERPLATLON checks for LONO 
    being periodic, and if so it handles the interpolation appropriately by
    appending the last column of ZO to its front and the last to is back.
    INTERPLATLON accounts for the fact that LONO may have an arbitrary 
    starting value, not necessarily -180 or 0, as its initial point, e.g.
    LONO may begin at -20 and end at 340.  Note that both LONO and LON are
    interpreted as angles on the complex plane, so the modifications
    LONO+n*360 or LON+n*360 for integer n would not change the result.  
    ZO may have multiple elements along its 3rd, 4th, or 5th dimension.  Z
    will then have its first two dimensions matching LAT and LON, and
    higher dimensions matching ZO.  
    boolean array with size SIZE(LAT), sets the corresponding entries of 
    Z to NaNs.  BOOL could for example be true over land.  If Z has more
    than 2 dimensions, this is done for each SIZE(LAT) element of Z.
    Interpolation algorithm
    By default, INTERPLATLON uses Matlab's INTERP2 with linear 
    interpolation.  Alternatively, INTERPLATLON(...,METHOD) uses the method
    specified by the string METHOD, as described in INTERP2.
    Data points for which the chosen interpolation method does not return a
    valid value are then filled using nearest-neighbor interpolation.
    INTERPLATON(...,'fill'), if LAT and LON are matrices of the from output 
    by MESHGRID, will instead fill missing data points from the linear
    interpolation with the results of a bin-averaging.  
    This typically affects only a small number of points, but is useful in
    controlling exactly what constitutes missing data.  
    For example, when interpolating an ocean field from a finer grid to a 
    coaser grid, linear interpolation will result in somewhat degraded 
    continental boundaries. The 'fill' algorithm puts back in a few data 
    points that would otherwise be missed by linear interpolation.
    3D Interpolation
    Z=INTERPLATLON(LATO,LONO,TO,ZO,LAT,LON,T) similarly performs a 3D
    interpolation, where TO is now time, with SIZE(ZO,3) being the same as
    LENGTH(TO).  LAT, LON, and T are all the same size.  
    Again, INTERPLATLON(...,METHOD) specifies the interpolation method,
    which defaults to 'linear'.
    Note that the 'fill' option does not work with 3D interpolation.
    Usage: z=interplatlon(lato,lono,[],zo,lat,lon);
    This is part of JLAB --- type 'help jlab' for more information
    (C) 2018--2022 J.M. Lilly --- type 'help jlab_license' for details

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